Minimal Pair List Consonants /g/ versus /ʤ/, 115 pairs

The /g/ sound is spelled with <g>, <gg>, <gh> in ghoul or <gu> in guard . In initial position the /ʤ/ sound is spelled <j>, or <g> before <e> or <i>, but notice the very unusual initial <g> in gaol . In medial and final positions it is <g(e)> or <dg(e)> Notice the homograph gill meaning either a part of a fish or a liquid measure, pairing with itself and the name Jill .
The contrast is between a velar stop and a palatal affricate, both voiced. Most of the problems arise from the spelling rather than the intrinsic difficulty of the sounds.
Interesting pairs include:
gannet Janet
gayness Janus
gumbo jumbo
The mean density value is 2.3%. The list makes 70 semantic distinctions, a loading of 61%.
bag badge Bergen burgeon brig bridge bug budge bugged budged bugging budging buggies budges buggy budgie dog dodge dogged dodged dogging dodging doggies dodges doggie dodgy drug drudge drugged drudged drugging drudging egg edge egged edged egging edging erg urge fug fudge gab jab Gael gaol Gaels gaols gale gaol gales gaols gag jag gagged jagged gagging jagging gags jags gain Jane games James gangling jangling gannet Janet gape jape gapes japes gaud jawed gaunt jaunt gauze jaws gay J gays J's gayness Janus gear jeer geared jeered gearing jeering gears jeers geezers Jesus geld gelled get jet gets jets getting jetting ghee G Ghent gent gherkin jerkin gherkins jerkins ghoul joule ghouls joules gig jig gigs jigs giggle jiggle giggled jiggled giggles jiggles giggling jiggling gill (part of a fish) gill (liquid measure) gills gills gill Jill gilt jilt go Jo gob job gobs jobs goggle joggle goggled joggled goggles joggles goggling joggling golly jolly gone John goo Jew Goole joule goon June goons Junes goose juice Gordon Jordan gore jaw gores jaws gored jawed gorge George gorges Georges gosh Josh got jot guard jarred guess Jess guessed jest guest jest guests jests gumbo jumbo gust just gut jut guts juts gutted jutted gutting jutting jug judge jugged judged jugging judging laager larger league liege leg ledge log lodge logged lodged logging lodging mag Madge rig ridge rigged ridged rigging ridging slug sludge smug smudge