Minimal Pair List Consonants /p/ versus /g/: 401 pairs

The spelling of /p/ is always either <p> or <pp> while /g/ is either <g>, <gg> or <gu> in rogue .
This is a contrast between a voiceless and a voiced stop. It is unlikely to be a problem for any learners except possibly for those who, like German or Thai speakers, do not used voiced consonants in syllable-final position.
The only rude word confusions in this set are crap/crag , pee/ghee .
Interesting pairs include
cooper cougar
hedgehop (fly an aircraft very low) hedgehog
pander gander
pinnace Guinness
puzzle guzzle
rope rogue
The mean density value is 3.9%. The list makes 198 semantic distinctions, a loading of 54%.
appro aggro burp berg burps bergs burp burg burps burgs cooper cougar coopers cougars cop cog cops cogs crap crag craps crags Cupar cougar dapper dagger depredation degradation depredations degradations dip dig dipping digging dips digs dipper digger dippers diggers Epping egging flap flag flapping flagging flaps flags flop flog flopping flogging fop fog fops fogs gap gag gaps gags gyp jig gypping jigging gyps jigs hap hag haply Hagley hedgehop hedgehog hedgehops hedgehogs hop hog hopping hogging hops hogs knap nag knapping nagging knaps nags lap lag lapping lagging laps lags lapse lags leap league leaping leaguing leaps leagues lop log lopping logging lops logs map mag maps mags nap nag napping nagging naps nags nipper nigger nippers niggers nipple niggle nipples niggles opal ogle opals ogles oppression aggression oppressions aggressions oppressive aggressive oppressively aggressively oppressor aggressor oppressors aggressors P ghee pacify gasify pacification gasification pacified gasified pacifies gasifies pacifying gasifying pad gad padded gadded padding gadding pads gads page gauge paged gauged pages gauges paging gauging pail Gael pails Gaels pail gale pails gales pain gain pained gained paining gaining pains gains painful gainful painfully gainfully pal gal pals gals pale Gael pales Gaels pale gale pales gales pall gall palled galled palling galling palls galls pall Gaul palls Gauls pally galley panda gander pandas ganders pander gander panders ganders pane gain panes gains pang gang pangs gangs pantry gantry pantries gantries pap gap pardon garden pardoned gardened pardoning gardening pardons gardens parlour gala parlours galas parrot garret parrots garrets parry gharry parries gharries pat GATT pate gait pates gaits pate gate pates gates Paul gall Paul Gaul pause gauze pause gores pave gave paw gore pawed gored paws gores pawed gaud pawky gawky pawky Gorky pawl gall pawls galls pawl Gaul pawls Gauls paws gauze pay gay pays gays payer gayer pays gaze pea ghee peace geese pearl girl pearls girls pee ghee peer gear peered geared peering gearing peers gears pep peg pepped pegged pepping pegging peps pegs pert girt Perth girth pest guessed pest guest pests guests pet get pets gets petting getting pi guy pis guys pie guy pied guyed pies guys piece geese pied guide pig gig pigs gigs pilfered Guildford pill gill pills gills pinion Guinean pinions Guineans pills gills pinnace Guinness pinnaces Guinnesses pinny guinea pinnies guineas pip pig Pisa geezer Pisa geyser plaid glad planned gland played glade plays glaze plea glee pleas glees please glees plied glide plum glum plumb glum plumber glummer plume gloom plumes glooms pod god pods gods pole goal poles goals poll goal polls goals polled gold Polly golly poly golly poof goof poofs goofs pooh goo Poole Goole Poole ghoul pool Goole pool ghoul pools ghouls pore gore pored gored poring goring pores gores pored gaud pores gauze pork gawk port ghat ports ghats pose goes posh gosh post ghost posted ghosted posting ghosting posts ghosts pot got potter gotta pouffe goof pouffes goofs pound gowned pour gore poured gored pouring goring pours gores poured gaud pours gauze pout gout praise grays praise graze praised grazed praises grazes praising grazing pram gram prams grams prate grate prated grated prates grates prating grating prate great pray gray prayed grayed praying graying prays grays prayed grade prays graze preen green preens greens pretty gritty prettier grittier prettiest grittiest prey gray preyed grayed preying graying preys grays preyed grade preys graze priest greased prim grim primmer grimmer primmest grimmest primness grimness primly grimly prime grime primed grimed primes grimes priming griming pro grow prone groan pros grows prove groove proved grooved proves grooves proving grooving prowl growl prowled growled prowling growling prowls growls prowler growler prowlers growlers Pru grew pud good pulp gulp pulped gulped pulping gulping pulps gulps pun gun punned gunned punning gunning puns guns pup pug purdah girder purl girl purls girls purred gird putt gut putts guts putted gutted putting gutting putter gutter puttered guttered puttering guttering putters gutters puttied gutted puzzle guzzle puzzled guzzled puzzler guzzler puzzlers guzzlers puzzles guzzles puzzling guzzling Pyle guile rap rag rapped ragged rapping ragging raps rags rapid ragged rapidly raggedly reaper Riga repress regress repressed regressed represses regresses repressing regressing repression regression repressions regressions repressive regressive rip rig ripping rigging rips rigs ripple wriggle rippled wriggled ripples wriggles rippling wriggling rope rogue ropes rogues sap sag sapping sagging saps sags scrap scrag scrapping scragging scraps scrags scrappy scraggy scrappier scraggier scrappiest scraggiest slap slag slapping slagging slaps slags slop slog slopping slogging slops slogs snap snag snapping snagging snaps snags soppy soggy soppier soggier soppiest soggiest tap tag tapping tagging taps tags top tog topping togging tops togs topers togas topple toggle topples toggles tripper trigger trippers triggers tup tug vapour vaguer whip Whig whip wig whipping wigging whippings wiggings whips wigs wrap rag wrapping ragging wraps rags