Minimal Pair List Vowels 9 and 12, /u/ versus /ə/ 15 pairs

Since the schwa has to be unstressed while /u/ is likely to be prominent, very few pairs were found in the dictionary. I have included several involving the
weak forms
which are of doubtful status since they cannot occur in isolation.
The density figure is 0.32%. The set makes 11 semantic contrasts for a loading of 73%.
babu barber
babus barbers
bayou buyer
bayous buyers
boot but
coos cos
cuckoo cooker
cuckoos cookers
Frome from
seafood Seaford
two to
too to
whom h'm
woos was
yew you
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Eriberto Do Nascimento
Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is
the founder of Pronunciation Checker Academy