What do we do when we speak? First, we use certain parts of our body to produce an airstream inwards
and outwards. This airstream is created intentionally to produce certain sounds...
Language is one of the most important characteristics of human behavior and
has always been the result of studies in the academic world. However, as
the years...
Pronunciation Checker is not the most accessible material to master. Some
professional linguists are seriously involved in phonetics. Several hours
are allotted for this subject in specialized higher education institutions...
Russian speakers' English sonority (prosody and stress) is fundamentally
different from the phonetics of the Russian idiom. Pay attention to the
so-called non-equivalent...
The English language has many particularities regarding its pronunciation
features. For example, you could have a junction of two vowel sounds
producing an...
First, to read sounds in English, you need to know how they are spelled. We
can help you find out more about conversational English courses, but for
now, we will return to the article and try to figure it out, but they are...
Do you think that in your English pronunciation, there is "room for
improvement"? Do you also need to check the pronouncement of Prince Harry?
In this class...
One of the hardest things in English is learning to pronounce words
correctly. Unfortunately, most English words are pronounced differently
than written...
Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies how humans produce and perceive sounds, or in the case of sign languages, the equivalent aspects of sign...
There are 44 sounds, which are divided into two categories: consonants and
vowels. Since there are more sounds than letters in the English alphabet,
phoneticians proposed a...
It takes a lot of time to memorize the specifics of tricky grammatical
rules and the complicated verb forms of the English language. The greatest
challenge, however...
How many times have you wondered how to speak English more fluently and
like a native? Do you want us to tell you a trick to express yourself more
fluently and...
Supra-segmental elements are prosodic elements, that is, phonic facts that
are not subject to the double articulation of languages and appear
superimposed on the phoneme...
Phonetics Linguistics is a branch of speech sounds, and their production,
composition, description, and written symbols are represented. Adjective:
Hello student! Would you know how to pronounce these 100 words in English
that we have selected for you? We wanted to compile our famous series of
ten words that you...
Usually, it is easy to think that the English accent is in the "vowel", but in reality the accent is in the "syllable", which is a block of sounds, in...
Phonetics is essentially concerned with the physical aspects of the spoken interaction, the way in which sounds are produced and transmitted from spea...
Unlike the Russian language,voiced consonantsin English at the end of words and before deaf consonants arenot deafened.Voicedness - deafness in Englis...
A vowel is a voiced sound produced in the mouth with no obstruction to the air stream. The air stream is weak. The tongue and the vocal cords are tens...
There is a lot of confusion about the schwa sound in English. Many people think that it doesn't exist, or that it's only used in specific words. Howev...
The meaning of every word in every language is in part inherent in its form. Individual phonemes and phonetic features are meaningbearing. They each h...
In the similarly accented position, all English vowels are fully long when they are final, eg. see. They are almost as long as that when a weak voiced...
Tongue twisters are a great way to improve your pronunciation. By practicing these tricky phrases, you can train your mouth and tongue to move more qu...
English manga often has onomatopoeia such as Phew and Hmm.This is an English version of Japanese words such as "fu" and "fun".Or, writings such as Sig...
There are many different pronunciations of [t] in English.I explained the rule of "Glottal-t" in the past article, but it is also very difficult for J...
If we take a scientific definition, then this is a system for recording signs and the rules for their combination, which are designed to record the co...
In the previous article, "What is Assimilation?" And "Elision,"I talked about the difference between the two.I would like to explain assimilation agai...