When you're busy with work, you may inadvertently come out of your mouth with a sigh, saying, "Oh, I'm tired." How about saying this in English? In addition, we will introduce onomatopoeic words such as "Woo" and "Fun", as well as expressions that explain how they are not spoken, such as "speaking" and "speaking at best". It is useful not only for conversation, but also for reading English novels, manga, movies and drama subtitles.
Sigh, "Woo" and " Fun " in English
English manga often has onomatopoeia such as Phew and Hmm. This is an English version of Japanese words such as "fu" and "fun". Or, writings such as Sigh and Mumble often appear. Learn commonly used onomatopoeia and words used in writing, and try using them yourself or use them to understand the content.
Sigh in english
Phew. (Fu. Pronunciation is [Fu])
An onomatopoeic version of the "huh" sound that comes out of your mouth. It is used to express various feelings such as "huh", "oh", and "do it".
sigh (sighs, sighs, pronounced [sai])
A representation of "sighing" or "sighing". He is used like He sighed.
Example: A: Phew, I got tired. B : You sighed again. You must be working too hard. A : But I have to do this today. But I have to do this today)
"Woo" in English
Ugh. (Wow, pronounced [Ag / Uhu])
"Wow," "Ah," "Wow," etc., are voices that are emitted when you are surprised or in trouble.
groan (groaning, pronounced [grown])
It refers to the appearance of groaning "Uh" and "Ah".
A : Ugh. B: What are you groaning about? A : Wrong figures again! (The numbers are wrong again!)
Say "shit" in English
Hmm. (Hmm. Pronunciation is [Hun / Hung])
It is used when speaking in an ambiguous tone such as "Fun", "Hey", "I see".
snort (sniff, ridiculous)
"Blows your nose". It is also used to mean "to make a fool" or "to snort."
A: They say that's the ultimate plan. B
: Hmm. I doubt it. A
: Don't snort like that . Don't ring <Don't make a fool>)
Say "butsubutsu", "mogumogu", "at best" in English
There are various onomatopoeic words such as "butsubutsu", "mogumogu", and "at best" in Japanese, but in English they are expressed by "words" instead of sounds. It can be used as it is to mean "tweet" or "out of breath", which is convenient for expressing the state of a person. It is a phrase that often appears in novels and manga.
Say in a whisper
mumble (pronounced [mumble])
It's almost inaudible, and I feel like I'm muttering in my mouth. In addition, this mumble does not have the nuance of "complaining".
A: What is he mumbling? (What is he mumbling?)
B: Leave him alone. He's preparing for the presentation.
mutter (pronounced [matter])
It feels like muttering in a soft voice, and it also means "complaining."
A: Have you fixed the air conditioner?B: No, not yet. A : We'd better
hurry . Everyone is muttering about it. And everyone is complaining about it)
Make "Boo Boo Say" in English
grunt (pronounced [grant])
It is a word that expresses the "boo-boo" sound of a pig, and is also used to mean "complain" or "groan dissatisfied".
A: We have to work overtime again? B: Stop
grunting. It's only for this time of the year.
Say "eat mogumogu" in English
munch (Eat mogumogu , mushamsha. Pronunciation is [munch])
It shows how you chew the food in your mouth "mogumogu" or eat "mushy". In English manga, it is written as Munch munch.
A: Is she all right? ( She was
munching on a hamburger, so she should be fine now.
Make "say at best" in English
pant (pronounced [punt] at best)
It seems that he is out of breath with "haa, haa". It can also be used to express a feeling of tiredness or tiredness.
A: You're panting. What happened? (I ran up the stairs for exercise.)
B: I ran up the stairs for exercise .
Say "breathtaking" in English
gasp (Pant, breathtaking. Pronunciation is [GASP])
It expresses the appearance of being unable to breathe and seems to be painful, and it feels like using "gasping" such as "gasping in fear".
A: Did you see the fire in the next door? (Did you see the fire next door?)
B: Yes. I gasped in surprise.
Silence with "shhh" in English
hush (pronounced [hash])
Hush. Means "shhh", which is also the verb "silence".
A: Hush. Please be quiet.B: Oh, no. You can't hush up everyone.
If you understand that there are phrases such as Phew. And Hmm. , Even in the lessons of online English conversation PronunciationChecker , the teacher will say Phew. That's it for today. You may find that you are using something like do it again. (Hmm. Let's try again).
Try using it yourself, like I muttered about it. (I complained), I gasped. (I took a breath). You will be able to express your feelings effectively in simple words, and you may be able to enjoy the lessons more.
Words such as mutter and grunt are not familiar to Japanese people, but they are very convenient words that can be expressed as "complain" just by using them. Even in English conversations and novels, we often say He muttered. Instead of using the word complain.
All of these words express human actions, so if you try to remember the meaning while thinking about what it looks like, the meaning will come to your mind when you encounter these words in movies or novels.