The sound /b/ voiced, bilabial, stop consonant

  • Press your lips together.
  • Forcefully pull your lips apart while pushing air out in a short burst.
  • Your vocal cords should vibrate.


  • “b”  – break, lab
  • “be” - robe, tube
  • “bb” – bubble, robbing


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The sound /b/ can be in these clusters:
  • Beginning of a Syllable
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/bl/ ("bl") - blue
/br/ ("br") - break
  • End of a Syllable
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/bz/ (“bs”) - cabs
/bd/ (“bed” / "bbed") - cubed, rubbed
/lb/ ("lb") - bulb
/lbz/ (“lbs”) - bulbs
/rb/ ("rb") - garb
/rbz/ (“rbs”) - orbs
/rbd/ (“rbed”) - barbed


Compare /b/ with /v/:
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These are both voiced consonants that are pronounced using the lips. However, /b/ is a bilabial stop and /v/ is a labio-dental fricative. When you pronounce /b/, your teeth should not touch your lips and the air in your mouth should be stopped.

You can hear the difference between /b/ and /v/ in these words.
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1. A. boat, B. vote
2. A. bury, B. very
3. A. dub, B. dove
4. A. curb, B. curve
5. A. lobes, B. loaves
6. A. rebel, B. revel

Now, compare /b/ with /m/:
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These are both voiced bilabial consonants. However, /b/ is a stop and /m/ is a nasal. When you pronounce /b/, air should come through your mouth but not your nose.

You can hear the difference between /b/ and /m/ in these words.
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1. A. bake, B. make
2. A. bug, B. mug
3. A. sub, B. sum
4. A. robes, B. roams
5. A. chubby, B. chummy
6. A. unbarred, B. unmarred
Listen and repeat these words:
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1. best
2. burn
3. busy
4. brain
5. blow
6. broom
7. bless
8. bottle
9. cab
10. rob
11. curb
12. bulb
13. about
14. mobile
15. stability
16. subtitle
17. bubble
18. abbreviate
19. barbecue
20. substitute

Now, practice /b/ in sentences. Say the words first, then the sentences.
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1. bottles – bin  - curb 
Put your used bottles in the bin on the curb.
2. bring – ribs – barbecue
We’ll bring a package of ribs to the barbecue.
3. blow – bubbles – beverage
Don’t blow bubbles in your beverage.
4. public – believed – bad
The public believed the bad report.
5. brother – burned – bulb 
My brother replaced the burned-out lightbulb.
6. big – blue – suburbs
I live in a big blue house in the suburbs.

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