Accent Reduction Guide using Phonetics


  1. English spelling and pronunciation rules

    English spelling and pronunciation rules

    Two problems arise when learning pronunciation: spelling difficulty of foreign words and interference from the native language when pronouncing sounds.

  2. The vowel Sound of a as in arm

    How to figure out pronunciation rules in English?

    Find the rules that we can use to establish clear pronunciation of English words

  3. A guide on word stress

    A guide on word stress

    A complete set of rules of the position of stress in English words. Find the stress position in pairs of words like an insult and to insult"

  4. How phonemes are pronounced?

    How phonemes are pronounced?

    In general, we say that the pronunciation of a phoneme depends on the phonological context.

  5. Organic production of speech sounds in phonetics

    Organic production of speech sounds in phonetics

    How are speech sounds actually made? Click on the menu items on the right for an answer to this question

  6. Production of vowel sounds in phonetics

    Production of vowel sounds in phonetics

    Vowels are difficult to describe in that, unlike consonants, it’s impossible to give an exact position of the speech organs

  7. Examples of strong and weak forms pronunciation

    Examples of strong and weak forms pronunciation

    There are quite a number of words that have a particular pronunciation when said in isolation called the strong form

  8. Consonants its definition and classifications

    Consonants its definition and classifications

    Consonants may be voiced or voiceless, depending on whether they are pronounced with simultaneous vocal cord vibration

  9. English accent top features Aspiration, glottalization, and flapping

    English accent top features Aspiration, glottalization, and flapping

    This section looks at some processes that can apply to the English fortis stops. The resulting sounds are allophones

  10. What consonants are called Lenis and Fortis?

    What consonants are called Lenis and Fortis?


  11. Fricatives and affricates english pronunciation

    Fricatives and affricates english pronunciation


  12. Sonorants Pronunciation Checker

    Sonorants Pronunciation Checker

    Sonorant consonants are like vowels in a number of respects. For one thing, like vowels, sonorants are pronounced with a relatively free escape of the airstream through the oral or nasal cavity

  13. Connected Speech Phenomena with Assimilation, elision, and insertion

    Connected Speech Phenomena with Assimilation, elision, and insertion

    In connected speech, neighboring segments may affect each other in various ways, so as to facilitate articulation.