Minimal Pair List Consonants /Ɵ/ versus /h/, 39 pairs

The /Ɵ/ sound is spelled with <th>. The /h/ sound is spelled with <h>.
These are two voiceless fricatives, one dental and one glottal. The contrast, which only occurs initially, is not a problem, although the sound /Ɵ/ is difficult for many learners.
The mean density value is 1.2%. The list makes 16 semantic distinctions, a loading of 41%.
thank hank thanks hanks thatch hatch thatched hatched thatches hatches thatching hatching thaw haw thawed hawed thawing hawing thaws haws thews hews thick hick thieve heave thieved heaved thieves heaves thieving heaving thigh hi thigh high thigh hie thighs hies third heard thirds herds thole hole tholes holes thorn horn thorns horns thorny horny thornier hornier thorniest horniest thug hug thugs hugs thumb hum thumbed hummed thumbing humming thumbs hums thump hump thumped humped thumping humping thumps humps