Minimal Pair List Vowels 4 and 14, /æ/ versus / aɪ / 275 pairs

The /æ/ vowel is spelled <a> followed by two consonants or by one consonant in a monosyllable, and exceptionally <ai> in plait and plaid . The / aɪ / diphthong is most often spelled <iCe> as in ice but also occurs as the letter I , <yCe> in rhyme , <igh> in high and <ei> in the loan word reich .
This contrast is between a short vowel and a diphthong, so it should not cause problems even though the starting position of the tongue is similar.
Taboo word pairs include craps/cripes .
Interesting pairs include:
aspic icepick
candour kinder
divan divine
harrowed highroad
latticed lightest
parrot pirate
sadder cider
The density value is 3.8%. The pairs make 144 semantic contrasts, giving a loading of 52.3%.
add I'd addle idle addled idled addles idles addling idling adds ides Al I'll alack alike am I'm arête irate aspic icepick ass ice asses ices atom item atoms items atomize itemize atomized itemized atomizes itemizes atomizing itemizing avid ivied babble Bible babbles Bibles back bike backed biked backing biking backs bikes bad bide band bind banding binding bands binds banned bind bat bight bats bights bat bite batting biting bats bites bland blind blandly blindly blandness blindness blander blinder brad bride brads brides bran brine brat bright can kine candour kinder canned kind cat kite cats kites Chad chide clam climb clammed climbed clamming climbing clams climbs clamour climber clamours climbers cram crime crammed crimed cramming criming crams crimes craps cripes dad died dam dime dams dimes damn dime damns dimes Dan dine divan divine divans divines fan fine fanned fined fanning fining fans fines fanned find fat fight fats fights fatting fighting fatter fighter flat flight flats flights gad guide gadded guided gadding guiding gads guides gal guile glad glide gladder glider gnat knight gnats knights gnat night gnats nights gram grime grams grimes grand grind grander grinder hack hike hacked hiked hacking hiking hacks hikes had hide Halle highly hand hind hands hinds harrowed highroad has hies hat height hats heights have hive haves hives having hiving jab gibe jabbed gibed jabbing gibing jabs gibes Jarrow giro lack like lacked liked lacking liking lacks likes lad lied lam lime lams kimes lammed limed lamming liming lamb lime lambed limed lambing liming lambs limes land lined lass lice lat light latter lighter latticed lightest lav live lavs lives ma'am mime mac Mike macro micro macrocosm microcosm macrocosms microcosms man mine manned mined manning mining mans mines manna myna manna miner manna minor manner myna manners mynas manner miner manners miners manner minor manner minors manned mind mass mice mat mite mats mites mat might matter mitre matters mitres Max mikes Nat knight natter nitre natty nightie pack pike packs pikes pad pied pal pile palled piled palling piling pals piles palate pilot palates pilots palette pilot palettes pilots pan pine panned pined panning pining pans pines pant pint pants pints pap pipe parrot pirate parrots pirates plaid plied plait plight plaited plighted plaiting plighting plaits plights pram prime prams primes rack Reich racks Reichs raffle rifle raffling rifling raffled rifled raffles rifles rally wryly ram rhyme rammed rhymed ramming rhyming rams rhymes ran Rhine rand rind rands rinds rap ripe rat right rats rights ratted righted ratting righting rat write rats writes ratting writing ratter writer ratters writers ravel rival ravelled rivalled ravelling rivalling ravels rivals sadder cider saddle sidle saddled sidled saddles sidles saddling sidling salmon Simon sand signed sat cite shad shied slam slime slat sleight slats sleights slat slight slats slights slatted slighted snap snipe snapped sniped snapping sniping snaps snipes span spine spans spines spat spite spats spites spatted spited spatting spiting sprat sprite sprats sprites strap stripe strapped striped strapping striping straps stripes tack tike tacks tikes tan Tyne tan tine tanned tined tans tines tap type tapped typed tapping typing taps types tat tight tatter tighter tattle title tattled titled tattles titles than thine trad tried trap tripe undermanned undermined unravelled unrivalled unwrap unripe valour viler van vine vans vines wrapper riper