Minimal Pair List Vowels 2 and 7, / ɪ / versus / ɔ / 327 pairs

The spellings of / ɪ / include <i> and <y> as well as <ui> in build . The / ɔ / vowel has numerous spellings including <or> in corn , <oar> in board , <au> in exhaust , and so on.
This is a contrast between a long and a short vowel well separated in the mouth. It is not a problem for any group of learners.
Possible rude word confusions are shit / short , tit / taut , and their derivatives. Interesting pairs include:
builder balder
comedies commodores
edition audition
missal morsel
The mean density is 1.5%. The list makes 166 semantic contrasts giving a loading of 51%.
bailey bailor baileys bailors bid bawd bids bawds bid board bidder boarder bidders Borders bidding boarding bill ball billed balled billing balling bills balls bill bawl bills bawls billing bawling billed bawled bin Bourne bit bought biz boars biz bores brill brawl Brit brought Britain Broughton build bald build bawled builder balder carpet carport carpets carports chick chalk chicks chalks chid chawed Chile Chorley chilli Chorley chilly Chorley cissies sauces cissy saucy comedy commodore comedies commodores Consett consort cyst sauced dibber dauber dibbers daubers diddle dawdle diddled dawdled diddles dawdles diddling dawdling dimmer dormer din Dawn dinned dawned dinning dawning dins dawns dint daunt dints daunts drill drawl drilled drawled drilling drawling drills drawls edition audition editions auditions exist exhaust existed exhausted existing exhausting exists exhausts fill fall filling falling fills falls filly Fawley filter falter filtered faltered filtering faltering filters falters fin faun fins fauns fin fawn fins fawns Finn faun Finns fauns Finn fawn Finns fawns fist forced fit fort fits forts fix forks fizz fours Flint flaunt flint flaunt flints flaunts giddy gaudy giddier gaudier giddiest gaudiest giddily gaudily gild galled gill gall gills galls gill Gaul gills Gauls guild galled hick hawk hicks hawks hid hawed hill hall hills halls hill haul hills hauls hillier haulier hilly Horley hilt halt hilts halts him haulm hint haunt hinted haunted hinting haunting hints haunts his haws hiss hoarse hiss horse hisses horses ices eyesores id awed ill all ill awl ills awls innate ornate innately ornately inning awning innings awnings instil install instilled installed instilling installing instils installs is awes it aught kick Cork kick calk kicked calked kicking calking kicks calks kick cork kicked corked kicking corking kicks corks kid cawed kid cord kidded corded kidding cording kids chords kill call killed called killer caller killers callers killing calling killings callings kills calls kin corn kip Corp kips corpse kiss coarse kisser coarser kiss course kissed coursed kissers coursers kisses courses kissing coursing kit caught kit court kits courts kitted courted kitting courting knit naught knits naughts lid laud lids lauds lid lord lidless lordless lids lords Liz laws lynch launch lynched launched lynches launches lynching launching Lynn lawn mid Maud middy Maudie mill maul milled mauled milling mauling mills mauls Millie Morley milt malt Miss Morse missal morsel missals morsels Ms maws niche nautch niches nautches nit naught nits noughts overbid overboard Phil fall pick pork picker porker pickers porkers Pill Paul pill pall pills palls pin pawn pinch paunch pinches paunches pit port pitted ported pitting porting pits ports pitied ported quit quart quits quarts quits quartz quitter quarter quitters quarters remiss remorse rid roared shin shorn shit short shits shorts shitted shorted shitting shorting Sid sawed silly sorely silt salt silted salted silting salting silts salts sit sort sits sorts sitter sorter sitters sorters sitting sorting skid scored skilled scald skin scorn skinned scorned skinning scorning skins scorns spin spawn spinning spawning spins spawns spit sport spits sports spitted sported spitting sporting stick stalk sticked stalked sticker stalker stickers stalkers sticking stalking sticks stalks stick stork sticks storks still stall stilled stalled stilling stalling stills stalls Styx stalks Styx storks swim swarm swimming swarming swims swarms Syrian saurian Syrians saurians thin Thorne thin thorn thins thorns thrill thrall thrills thralls tick talk ticked talked ticker talker tickers talkers ticking talking ticks talks till tall tiller taller tint taunt tinted taunted tinting taunting tints taunts tit taut tit tort tits torts titter tauter tizzies tawses trill trawl trilled trawled trilling trawling trills trawls trimmers traumas warranty warrantor warranties warrantors whiff wharf whiffs wharfs whim warm whims warms whin warn whins warns whip warp whipped warped whipping warping whips warps whit wart Whit wart Whits warts whiz wars wick walk wicks walks Wick walk wicker walker will wall willed walled willing walling wills walls Willie Warley win warn wins warns winning warning winnings warnings wind warned writ wrought written Wroughton