Minimal Pair List Consonants /b/ versus /j/, 96 pairs

All the contrasts except halberd/halliard occur at the start of the word since /j/ can only occur in syllable-initial position. The spelling of /b/ is <b> throughout. The /j/ sound is <y> except in halliard .
The contrast is between a plosive and a semivowel, both voiced but widely separated in the mouth. Confusions are not likely.
Interesting pairs include:
bowman yeoman
burly yearly
The mean density value is 1.4%. The list makes 63 semantic distinctions, a loading of 66%.
B ye baa yah baa'd yard back yak backs yaks bait Yate baits Yeats baize yeas balk York ball yawl balls yawls bank yank banked yanked banking yanking banks yanks bar yah bard yard barn yarn barns yarns barrow yarrow bate Yate bates Yeats bawd yawed bay yea bays yeas be ye beast yeast bee ye beer year beers years bell yell belled yelled bells yells belling yelling belle yell belles yells bellow yellow bellowed yellowed bellowing yellowing bellows yellows ben yen bens yens bend yenned Bern yearn Bess yes bet yet Betty yeti bey yea beys yeas bier year biers years boar yaw boars yaws boar yore board yawed bob yob bobs yobs bogey yogi bogeys yogis Bonn yon boo ewe boos ewes boo U boos U's boo you boor ewer boors ewers boor you're boost used booth youth booths youths booze ewes booze use boozed used boozes uses boozing using boozer user boozers users bore yaw bores yaws bore yore bored yawed born yawn borne yawn Bourne yawn bowman yeoman bung young burly yearly burn yearn burned yearned burning yearning burns yearns burr year burrs years halberd halliard halberds halliards