Minimal Pair List Vowels 3 and 15, /e/ versus / ɔɪ / 59 pairs

The /e/ vowel is spelled <e>, <ea> in jealous and occcurs in the letter name L . The diphthong / ɔɪ / is spelled with <oi> or <oy>.
This is a contrast bewteen a short front vowel and a back closing diphthong and is not a problem for learners.
The mean density is 1%. The pairs make 30 semantic contrasts, giving a loading of 51%.
anent anoint bed buoyed bell boil belled boiled belling boiling bells boils belle boil chess choice Delhi doily dispel despoil dispelled despoiled dispelling despoiling dispels despoils Ellie oily Esther oyster fell foil felled foiled felling foiling fells foils gen join genned joined genning joining gens joins gent joint gents joints gently jointly jealous joyless jealously joylessly Jess Joyce jest joist jests joists ken coign kenned coined kenning coining kens coigns L oil L's oils leads Lloyd's Len loin lens loins letter loiter lettered loitered lettering loitering letters loiters messed moist ness Neuss spell spoil spelled spoiled spelling spoiling spells spoils spelt spoilt ted toyed tel toil tell toil telling toiling tells toils teller toiler tellers toilers vest voiced