Why can't you learn English?


When something does not work, we attribute it to fatigue, a boring textbook, a poor teacher, paucity of time, and many other factors. All this, of course, plays a role, but the problem is profound: in our goals, or rather, in their fainting. And if you are reading this article, it means you are not satisfied with everything, making your study more effective. So you urge me to change something.

I communicate daily with my students, engineer students, clients, and blog readers, and I noticed that most people's goal is to learn English. But, of course, there are even more specific forms of this goal, such as:

I want to improve my listening

I want to improve my vocabulary

I want to improve my own

I want to improve my grammar

I want to talk

I want to take the exam.

But very few people say what they need, for what they need English. I will not go into psychological principles, but it has been proved that those who have determined satisfaction with the goal, efficiency, results, and activity have been established. They are exceedingly high.

In figurative terms, learning English is a long journey, and if you do not know where you are going, it cannot be overcome. Therefore, to guide you on this path, you need a milestone – your global goal.

1. Set primary goals and make them manageable

When I start working with a new student, I immediately know if he has a global goal that is unconscious or hidden. By a worldwide plan, I mean what a person strives for in the long term, and knowledge of the English language is only a means of achievement.

An example of global goals:

•get more prestigious/highly paid/paid

•Get your first job

• go abroad

• enter the desired university

• find yourself a partner (yes, there is something like that )

• boost confidence.

• prove to everyone that I can

And hundreds of different options because each student is unique, and his goals are individual. And my job is to help bring this real goal to the surface so that it will take our work forward, inspire and give meaning.

Of course, the global goal needs to be divided into smaller and more "tangible" tasks that you will do every day, every week, every month.

Based on my experience, I have prepared some tips to help you define your global goals, work on the path of this goal and most Organize the study effectively.

Imagine that you have already learned "English" "The exam has passed" / "Your speaking level has been increased." What will happen next? What did it bring you? What did you get? How do you feel? Where are you? What have been the changes in your life?

This will be your global goal.

Prepare your thoughts, avoiding wrong, vague phrases. Write down whatever you have brought.

I know it sounds strange, unusual because you and I are not used to analyzing anything. But this way, you will be able to realize your goals and the tasks that you face. It is for you, not for anyone else, so you do not have to be ashamed of anything.

When communicating your thoughts, try for clarity and uniqueness. While reading your goals on paper, there should be no question: What do you mean? What do you mean by this?

2. Set Deadlines and intermediate goals and objectives

To work on your plan and get you moving forward, set a clear outline for yourself: when you will achieve it. It will take more than a month and more than a year. Nevertheless, it would be best if you did not give up, and the deadline does not scare you in any way, but on the contrary, disciplines you.

When a global goal is set and felt, it becomes easier.

If your goal is massive and far away, you need to think that your global goal to achieve something every day is in sub-goals.

To do this, consider the following questions:

Why have you not yet reached your global goal?

Whom are you missing?

You can come to the following conclusion:

• "I don't have enough words."

•"I don't know the format of the exam."

•" I have lousy pronunciation."

• "I don't remember grammar."

These insights are already leading you to more specific intermediate goals and objectives. Then, depending on the "in any way" or "not really," you will create your particular viable tasks.

Set yourself a small goal for vocabulary, grammar, and personal skills for a month: I will learn/write a short plan for your skills this month. I will know/ Master which you can break in tasks according to week and day.

For example, suppose you set a goal for yourself for the week: on Monday you will grammar study rules, on Tuesday - phonetics, on Wednesday - you will find intonation, on Thursday – advanced pronunciation rules, and on Friday - Summarize what you have passed and write an essay.

While preparing for the exam, you can set targets for each day for the coming week: what types of tasks you must do. For example, give time or how many practice tests you will complete. Thus, every day you will be one step closer to the desired achievement.

3. Do specific, manageable tasks

Many people suffer from deliberately prescribing more work than is physically possible. Although at the same time, only half or a part of the scheme is completed, the rest of the work remains incomplete.

As a result, the learning process occurs with disappointment in their abilities and an unpleasant sense of unfinished work.

If your level is beginner, there is no point in determining for yourself reading your favorite book. This may discourage you from rereading it.

Another common mistake is selecting a list of 100 words to study and remembering it at once. No practice, no practice. Just sit down and reflect. Such actions show complexes like,

"I am not able to speak languages,"

I can't remember words".

My recommendation: Don't give yourself too much importance, just set out the tasks you can achieve in your time. Keep in mind the level of your training, the speed of work, the complexity of the tasks. When determining any task, be guided by the principle of "less good, but better."

4. Measurable Goals and Objectives

Scalability is one of the significant features of goals and objectives. In business plans, targets are measured in money, the number of customers, and sales. In our case, the amount or quantity of material studied (keeping in mind, not passed, i.e., meaningful and learned!), your new skills and Capabilities, and quality of work done.

To determine yourself, do not think about what you will do, but think about what you will get as a result.

And how do you understand that the work has been completed and you have reached your intermediate goal? To do this, collapse your tasks using numbers: 10 new phrases, 5 exercises on a new topic, 10 novel words, and 20 sentences in an essay.

After, "What will I do?" It is essential to describe the actions as answers to the question. For example, I want to learn the better prepared unfamiliar words: Today, I will learn 10 phrase verbs.

The achievement test can also serve as the number of correct answers and expert evaluation (assessment of your speech or work written by the teacher).

Then work: Write a letter in English, write a letter in English without mistakes using 15 words from the new subject.

You need to carefully determine the tasks which can be measured only by time. For example, if you set a goal: to dedicate 20 minutes a day to English, you can follow it, see posts or text on the Internet, listen for 20 minutes every day.

But then the result is: I studied English for 20 minutes a day for a year. Here is your development, which matches the objectives. However, it is unclear what you have learned, what you can do now, how you have moved forward. In such a situation, the result is measured only in time, not by your success.

This goal should be specific: I study English for 20 minutes and learn 10 novel words/words. Then, do three grammar exercises/practices. Next, write a dialogue with the phrases learned/known. Finally, I did a part of the practice test.


If you study with a teacher, knowing your great global goal, he will do most of the work settings for you. At least that should be the case. Personally, my colleagues and I are confident about it, so the purpose of what we do in the Pronunciation Checker class is only for our students. However, global goals must be achieved.

Our artificial intelligence tutor will set goals and objectives for each lesson, evaluate how you faced them, how effectively you achieved them.

Remember that whatever you do and what you teach aims to achieve your personal goals, and first, you have a better life. There is a need. Do not forget what you are trying, and do not even try to give up in the way of your excellent results! I believe in you and wish you success.