- Approaches to taches phonetics to childrent
- Where to start learning Pronunciation Checker?
- Phonetics of the English language for children: learning the main pitfalls
- Conclusion
Studying the phonetics of the English language for children is a complex subject and requires special attention. The fact is that the Russian language does not have some sounds that exist in English. In addition, there are words where the sounds are so efficiently associated with each other that the word can be read only with transcription.
For children who have pronunciation problems, the transcription of English words is a kind of a lifesaver. For example, how to read a set of letters that make up a word in which a sound is represented by two letters? Not an easy task, especially for young children. But if you make an effort, transcription can all follow!
Approaches to taches phonetics to children
Every day the child gets a short lesson. During the video lessons, the child hears a simple, understandable explanation in Russian. The child then listens to the exact text in English, which a native speaker recorded. Thus, it unconsciously imitates the pronunciation of the carrier.
After that, the child is given a simple word reading exercise for the learned reading rule. Then, as the words are collected into groups, the child develops reading patterns depending on which rule they read, listen to, and read.
The words are written large. It is not difficult for a child to read the word using a familiar pattern. Thanks to simple actions, skills are built up in the child, and reading is not difficult.
Where to start learning Pronunciation Checker?
It would be best if you learned English gradually. But, first, you need to start learning with simple monosyllabic words. For example, chick [tʃık], foot [fʋt], long [lɒŋ] - the pronunciation of such words is much easier to learn than to deal with two-syllable words at once.
English transcription for children must be present in each word being studied since the Russian alphabet is different from English. Remember, there is no single rule in English for the pronunciation of vowels and consonants.
In the same closed syllable, the same letter can be read in different ways. Therefore, those just beginning to conquer the peculiarities of English pronunciation need to learn to speak correctly from the very beginning.
Secondly, learning should be like a game. The so-called phonetic fireworks of sound should not be dark for the child. Finally, remember that it's essential that your little one have fun lessons. Dry theory and hard practice will be ineffective if the material is not presented interestingly.
Third, use visuals. Then English will be available for everyone to learn! Cards are ideal for this. The drawings on them should be colorful, bright, and cheerful. Bet on juicy fruits, cartoon characters, children's favorite toys. A red apple, a cheerful tiger, and ripe eggplant will be remembered much faster than a dish or appliance.
Phonetics of the English language for children: learning the main pitfalls
As said before, IPA Transcription plays an essential role in learning English. And not only for children but also for adults. The fact is that no one rule covers reading all words. So what are we talking about?
For example, we can read the word read in many different ways. To be specific, when we are talking about the past of the verb read, it is pronounced as:
I have read that book.
I have read that book aɪ həv rɛd ðət bʊk - Britsh version
I have read that book aɪ həvrid ðət bʊk - American
Additionally, we can read the verb read in the present:
I read that book
I read that book aɪ riːd ðət bʊk - Britsh version
I read that book aɪ rid ðət bʊk - American
So as you can see, there are many different ways you can pronounce the same word depending upon the context that they are being said. The English language is rich in such phonetic "gifts."
But! Do not forget that the pedagogical material is perceived visually better by ear. It is not in vain that they say it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. So, use colorful flashcards with vivid images and try to present the English material playfully.
Following are some examples of the vowel sounds commonly used in American English and their transcription Marks.
[i] or [ı] sound similar to "and," but more abrupt and firm
[ə:] or [ɜ:] sound like something between "o" and "yo."
[u:] sound like a long "u."
[ɑ:] a long and deep "a"-like sound
[ɔ:] sound like a long "o."
[i:] sound like a long "and"
[u] or [ʋ] sound similar to "u" but more stable
[ɔ] or [ɒ] sound similar to "o," but more abrupt and open
[e] sound similar to "e," but more abrupt and firm
[∧] Similar to the sound "a" but more staccato.
The list shows that if the English sound has a colon (:), it will be long (skip -> |liːv|). If it is denoted by a letter, it will be solid in most cases, for example, bed. Bed
How to understand which letter to read where and when? In both words, the syllable is closed, but the letters are read differently. In order not to be mistaken with the pronunciation, you need to look at the transcription.
To note! It is important to study the reading of the letters themselves and unique transcription signs—colon, rice, wide Ӕ, low Е - only a tiny portion of the main characters. Equipped with the necessary knowledge, children can easily read essential words with or without translation.