How to use the english word matter?


Have you ever wondered, "What does this matter mean?" When you hear the words "What's the matter?" And "It doesn't matter." Basically, it means "problem, thing", but it is a unique word that can be used as a noun or a verb, and is used in both new situations and casual conversations. Let's take a look at the features of matter and its usage examples, which are very useful when you can master them.

Let's hold down the basic meaning of matter

The basic meaning of matter is "problem, matter", which does not necessarily mean "trouble", but often simply means "what" or "what". First, let's look at the meaning of the basic "problems, things".

Typical meaning "problem"

It's a matter of time.

Matter has a nuance such as "focus as a problem", and here it means "focus on time".

"Matters" "Troublesome things"

What's the matter with you?

By saying "what is with you", this phrase has the implication that something "troublesome" is happening.

Visible "substance"

No organic matter is included.

Apart from the abstract meaning of "problems, things", it may refer to "substances" such as living things and chemistry.

Represents a particular type of "thing, thing"

How do I send printed matters?

What do you think the subject matter of the book?

Matter can be used to represent "-things" and "-things" such as printed matter and subject matter.

Conversation example

A: What's the matter with you?

B: I'm in trouble. Something is wrong with the copy machine.

A: It happened before . We might need to replace it.

B: I think it's a matter of time.

Matter as a verb

When matter is a verb, it means "... is important". If it becomes a third person singular with matters or if it is denied with don't matter, it will be immediately understood that it is a verb, but if it is in the original form with matter, I think that it is a "problem, matter?" Please note that it may not be removed.

Verb negation matter

A: Do you think we should wear a tie?

B: No, it doesn't matter. It's a casual party.

It doesn't matter means "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter" from the meaning of "it doesn't matter". Colloquially, it may be abbreviated as Doesn't matter., Or does't may be changed to don't to become It don't matter.

Third person singular matter

Your opinion matters to us.

This is an expression often used when asking customers to give their opinions.

Prototype matter

Prices matter in this case.

prices is the subject and matter is the verb. If you want to say "price issues", then price matters in this case.

Conversation example

A: Do you think we should add extra discount?

B: No, it doesn't matter. They already like it. (No, it doesn't matter, they already like it)
A: That's good. Your suggestions matter to me a lot.

Matter used in idioms

Matter, which broadly means "problem, thing," is often used in idioms that appear in conversation. There are some examples that are difficult to understand grammatically, but let's organize them in your head so that you can say it yourself.

as a matter of fact

As a matter of fact, we're behind the schedule.

Fact is a "fact" and is a way of saying "as a matter of fact".

no matter what

No matter what he says, we'll proceed.

This what is originally a relative pronoun that creates the noun clause what he says, and in no matter what, it is said that "there is nothing wrong with being, it is not important". You can also say "no matter what" by omitting what and just No matter what.

to make matters worse

To make matters worse, the typhoon will come tomorrow. (To make matters worse, the typhoon will come tomorrow.)

Translated literally, it is "to make a matter worse", but it is used to mean "to make things worse" or "to make things even worse". The opposite, to make matters better, simply means "to make matters better."

all that matters

Customer satisfaction is all that matters.

This matter is a relative pronoun that modifies all with the verb "... is important", and all that matters means "everything that is important".

Once you understand the meaning of matter, try it out in PronunciationChecker 's online English lessons. If you use it like What's the matter with it ?, you can use it for things or events, like "What's wrong with that?" It doesn't matter to me. Can be useful in many situations by questioning Does it matter to you?

On the contrary, if your teacher says Your opinion matters to me a lot., It's very helpful., Please give me some more examples. Please tell us your impressions of the lesson. Please get the knack for mastering matter in a live conversation.


Matter is a basic word that can be widely applied, and while it is convenient, it can be inadvertently understood in a different sense or misused. Make sure you understand the basic meaning and application so that you can use it accurately.