Often, when studying a foreign language, we set goals not only for reading books in origin or authoring astonishing e-mails to business partners, but we also aim to communicate freely, express complex thoughts and chains of ideas, and get to know native speakers.
However, when we suddenly encounter such situations,
all the missed words, endless lectures, and notorious grammar rules magically disappear from our heads. They go, and only the language of facial expressions and gestures helps us. "It was worth spending time and money on learning English!" - You'd say.
Well, you have just put the accent wrongly. It would be best if you used the correct pronunciation. If your goal is live communication, you should focus on learning spoken English. As a rule, the main objectives are:
Expanding active vocabulary;
Improve the perception of speech from the "ear";
To be familiar with the speech etiquette of English-speaking countries;
Study of the characteristics of colloquial language (general brief, slang);
Improvement in phonetics (work on sounds, vowels).
The Pronunciation Checker platform is designed to help students eliminate the "language barrier" to study spoken English. Feel more confident in the process of expressing one's thoughts and develop the ability to understand the views of the interlocutor.
Speech all depends on pronunciation or personal speech characteristics. Thus, all life is theatre! Therefore, one of the most effective ways to develop English speaking skills is to emulate life conditions.
For example, the teacher sets a subject, "travel," or describes a particular situation: " a travel company manager lost at the airport. "Waiting for tourists, "a host flies to travel with a lovely but auditory-impaired elderly gentleman" her granddaughter" ( The plot can be pretty humorous), allowing students to choose roles of their choice, communicate and find a way out of this situation.
Such lessons are like acting classes! In a text, you can be in the seat of a passenger yourself who is late for a flight, an experienced pilot, or an attractive flight attendant.
In addition to the sea of positive emotions, such training swells practical benefits — even with the most unexpected coincidence of circumstances in real life. Students will no longer hit their faces in the mud, and they will know how to respond when confronted with a problem. They will not hesitate to ask questions and ask for additional information.
"I don't like writing!"
It is perfect for me to learn spoken English! I want to explain myself freely and do not like "scribbling!"- You rejoice. But we must warn you. It is almost impossible to learn a second to communicate correctly, only using spoken language. To support this idea, let us allow ourselves a small principle.
To master a language and thorough communication with great confidence is necessary to develop all components of speech activity, and four of them are - reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
It has been proved that you should read actively, write competently and logically, listen a lot. That is, with the intensity and focus. Therefore, to speak English with clarity, you should not neglect to practice grammar and read quality literature.
We have used these few absurd examples to show that the best recipe for learning English is wisely a variety of materials and combining techniques and practices to help each student achieve his goals. If you trust learning spoken English and want to meet the results expectations, be prepared to do some exercises in writing. You must, and you will read many lessons.
When can I start?
The communication approach prevalent today does not exclude the study of spoken English even in the preliminary stages. However, it is essential to remember that your vocabulary and grammar are not very comprehensive, but learning to read, write, speak and listen to classical lessons is recommended to be optional with the study of spoken English. In this case, you can consolidate each new portion of the material learned during oral practice.
High-level students who want to remove the barrier of language and apply effective repositories of knowledge in practice. Those who can prefer English courses.
Here at Pronunciation Checker, we are happy to provide group and personal lessons to learn all the sounds of American English. We offer a combination of modern techniques, authentic content, classic and innovative techniques that will help students get the desired results quickly.
Our teachers will develop a personal program for each participant, considering immediate goals, level of language proficiency, and the time available to them.
Let us summarize:
It is essential to set the purpose of studying English correctly for yourself (reading literature), mastering the basics of business correspondence, or Live verbal communication).
Be psychologically prepared for the fact that during training you communicate frequently and actively with a variety of people on the most unexpected topics and try not to be shy; Don't be lazy and be prepared to complete written assignments, even if your goal is "English spoken only";