- 1. The grammar
- 2. Adventure travel in a foreign land
- 5 elements that cannot be missing in your next English course
- 1. Personalization
- 2. Softness
- 3. Having fun while learning
- 4. Practice
- 5. The only resource that you need to speak better
Before enrolling in any course, read this article carefully and find out the two mistakes not to make when learning English and the five key elements to look for in your next course.
In this article, I want to talk to you about 5 strategies that will lead you to remove him from your life (or at least from your English curriculum) and why the most common English courses are not always the correct answer to improve your English.
You probably learned English at school, and you got along pretty well, but then you didn't train it anymore, and what you memorized went away in silence, little by little, leaving some melancholy wake of "of course" and "a little bit. "
You probably hated English tenses so much at school, irregular people, false friends that you have a kind of childhood trauma towards English.
Or, again, maybe you got excellent grades and were very sure you were a dragon (actually, a dragon). But, still, every time you happened to be in an Anglo-Saxon country, you felt lost at the first serious conversation with some native. And, you know how it is, from dragon to wet chick is a moment.
I can not take it anymore! It doesn't work between English and me! I've tried everything, but nothing worked! I understand you: years ago, when I started working as a management consultant in an American multinational, I was in the same situation.
I thought I knew English quite well, but I soon realized how poor my English was at the first meetings with foreign colleagues! But the fault is not ours. At school and in most popular English courses, the way they taught us and still teach us this language is wrong.
I had to bang my head over this thing for years, trying them all to improve my English, but this winding path allowed me to understand what works (and what works much less) in learning the language of Queen Elizabeth.
And today, that I live and work in London and speak English fluently, I would like to share at least a couple of mistakes I made (and that you can avoid) and the essential elements to improve your English.
English courses: two things that don't work (and you don't have to waste time on)
1. The grammar
"Throw away the grammar exercises. " The point is that schools and language schools have taught us to treat English as yet another subject of study (making us hate it!). Nothing could be more wrong. English is NOT a subject but is a communication tool.
Mind you, this does not mean that you don't need to know the "rules of the game," i.e., grammar, but excessive attention to these rules makes our language learning too rigid and only theoretical.
Think about it: does a referee who knows all the rules play better football without ever touching a ball or a player who plays all the games? The same principle applies to languages: understanding the rules is important, but fossilizing on grammar exercises risks being a terrible waste of time.
2. Adventure travel in a foreign land
When it comes to studying trips abroad, you need to understand what the goal is. I can tell you from experience that the English student exchange programs are used to make big money for the exchange schools.
A full immersion experience for a sufficiently long period can be helpful, but if done perfectly.
For example, doing some summer jobs in England can be an excellent idea to experiment with daily language. However, avoid coming to London to learn how to speak better English. Instead, opt for experiences such as au pair, waiter, volunteer, etc. but possibly in some remote village in the UK.
Now that we have seen what is counterproductive to learning English, let's see the five elements that cannot be missing in the perfect English course.
5 elements that cannot be missing in your next English course
Every year, another research demonstrates how Italians are at the bottom of the European ranking about knowledge of English.
In short, it is clear that in other European countries the school system is doing a much better job than ours. So let's see what they are doing specifically.
1. Personalization
A learning path is much more powerful when considering differences, limitations, preferences, and goals.
For example, suppose your goal is to write good business emails in English. In that case, you will have to focus on a different type of practice than those who want to do interviewsl or those who wish to coordinate a team of people as managers in a multinational company.
2. Softness
The approach to teaching English in other European countries is much less rigid than in other countries because mistakes are welcomed as part of the process and used as an opportunity for improvement, not stigmatized.
The mindset and mental attitude in learning a language are essential, and a good teacher must also be able to work on this aspect with their students. In short, if you make mistakes in English and traditional courses bore you to death, you don't have to feel "a creep."
3. Having fun while learning
Numerous studies have shown the importance of positive emotions during learning. Specifically, we memorize best when we have fun and feel good.
Think, for example, of how you still remember the lines of some of your favorite comics, your first vacation alone, or how you could easily memorize the lessons of that Prof who explained to God!
4. Practice
The school systems of most places rely heavily on practice and prompt pupils to communicate a great deal both with each other and with pen pals.
Constantly getting used to receiving and sending emails in English, talking to native speakers, reading articles and books, watching films and videos in the original language is an easy way to train daily.
Memories? English is NOT a subject of study: it is a communication tool. Maybe we avoid, you could be working all day long, but in choosing your next English course, make sure it includes tools and contents that guarantee full immersion.
5. The only resource that you need to speak better
You do not need miracles methods or scam-related stuff that are all over the internet nowadays. You have to start practicing IMMEDIATELY and in the CORRECT way.
And on this, I think I can help you. Learning English is one of the most common goals of personal and professional growth among Pronunciation Checker readers. However, due to the shortcomings of the English courses available on the market, I decided to develop the digital course for learning English we have always dreamed of.
Now, I could stand here giving you a creampie about the why and wherefore the new Pronunciation Checker! It's the most remarkable course on the planet, but it's not my style. Also, as we have seen in this article, we need to start practicing NOW and the CORRECT way to improve our English.
To start, all you have to do is click the button below, watch the short introductory video and click on the "Start Test" button. That's it. Simple, isn't it?