In today's world of globalization, there are increasing demands for English proficiency regardless of company size or occupation. In this article, I will explain the merits of having English proficiency in job hunting and the points where English proficiency is evaluated in job hunting. If you are wondering how to take advantage of your English ability and promote job hunting, please refer to it.
Benefits of having English ability in job hunting
First of all, what are the specific benefits of having English proficiency in job hunting? It is explained in detail below.
Wider range of occupations
Whether or not you need English proficiency for job hunting depends on the applicant company and occupation. However, many companies require that they have a certain level of English proficiency as a condition for applying or joining the company, so having English proficiency will increase the choices of occupations.
As globalization progresses, not only large companies but also small and medium-sized companies have more opportunities to interact with overseas companies and expand overseas. Especially for companies and departments that use English, the level of English proficiency is likely to be the criteria for selection. Also, if you have experience studying abroad or living abroad, it can be said that it will be a big appeal point for job hunting.
Efforts to improve English ability are evaluated
Language skills are not acquired in a short period of time, but can be acquired through daily accumulation. Having a certain level of English proficiency is considered to be a person who can make steady efforts toward the goal for a long period of time, so it is highly likely that it will lead to high evaluation.
Occupations that require English proficiency
From here, I will introduce what kind of occupations require English proficiency. Please use this as a reference when deciding on a company or job type to apply for in job hunting or job hunting activities.
Work where communication using English is important
Jobs that have many opportunities to communicate with foreigners require practical ability to speak in English. For example, jobs that serve customers from overseas, jobs that require interaction with local people for overseas travel-related jobs, and jobs such as translation and interpretation.
Hotel staff
The hotel staff may welcome guests from overseas, so it is necessary for the hotel staff to have sufficient English proficiency to respond smoothly. In particular, for foreign-affiliated hotels, major hotels that are expanding globally, and hotels with many foreign users, some TOEIC scores are listed in the recruitment requirements. The required level of English varies depending on the hotel, but I would like to get 600 points or more.
Tour conductor (travel tour operator)
My main job is to accompany a tour of a travel agency, manage the travel schedule, and act as a local guide. It is necessary not only to understand the geography, transportation means, and road conditions of the places to be visited in the itinerary, but also to respond flexibly when troubles or happenings occur. Since we often interact with tourist facilities, accommodations, and staff of local travel agencies, some level of English proficiency will be required.
Translation interpretation
Skills required will vary depending on the content of the English to be translated, whether it is a sequential or simultaneous interpretation, even if it is called an interpreter. In the case of sequential interpretation, it is common for beginners to start with sequential interpretation because the speaker will divide the conversation sentence by sentence or for a certain length. Simultaneous interpretation requires a high level of English and concentration to enter a dedicated booth, listen to the content of the speaker, and translate at the same time. The job of translation is to translate the content written in English, such as books and movies, into Japanese, or vice versa. When translating from English to Japanese, a technique to express it in natural Japanese is required, so high English proficiency is required.
Office work that requires English proficiency
In clerical work such as e-mail, dealing with visitors, and clerical procedures, it is often required to have literacy English skills such as accurately understanding what is mainly written and writing documents by yourself. Let's see an example below to see what kind of occupations there are.
Trade affairs
My main job is to prepare documents related to import and export, exchange with overseas companies that do business, and exchange with staff living overseas by telephone or e-mail. Depending on the company, the person in charge of the business partner may be Japanese, and English ability may not be required so much when exchanging telephone calls and emails. However, you need to have a certain level of English ability to memorize and read and write the fixed phrases and words necessary for document preparation. At the same time, not only English proficiency but also a wide range of knowledge about operations such as sales, accounting, and customs clearance is required.
System Engineer
System engineers who design and develop systems often need skills to read English because technical books and cutting-edge related information are often written in English. Also, depending on the company, it may be necessary to communicate technically with foreign engineers. Therefore, if you have English proficiency, it is highly likely that you will have an advantage in changing jobs or finding employment.
English education related work
For occupations related to education that deals with English itself, such as English teachers and planning of English teaching materials, comprehensive English skills such as accurate grammar, reading and writing skills, and communication skills are required.
English teacher
English teachers are jobs that teach English, but there are a wide range of levels from elementary school to university, English conversation school, and cram school, and the target audiences vary in age. The required English proficiency varies depending on the place of teaching and the level of the student, but it is recommended that you have an Eiken Level 1 or TOEIC level of 800. It goes without saying that the instructor himself understands English, but he also needs the skills to teach according to the level and level of understanding of the other person.
Planning and sales of English teaching materials Companies and occupations that are expanding globally
With globalization, there are companies that actively promote exchanges with overseas and open branches overseas. Not only will you be able to read and write, but you will also be required to have a high level of English proficiency, such as mastering English as a communication tool and sometimes negotiating. Below, I will explain what kind of jobs and companies there are.
Foreign financial company
Foreign-affiliated financial companies, which tend to have many foreign staff and overseas branches, often use English for daily communication. Depending on the company, most of the Japanese who are enrolled may be required to have a high level of English proficiency, such as returning children.
Overseas sales
In addition to e-mail and telephone, overseas sales that actually go to the site to negotiate and make transactions. Not only is it necessary to be able to read and write properly in English, but it is also required to have the ability to master English in practical situations such as negotiations and business negotiations.
trading company
At a trading company, you have the opportunity to do business overseas, give presentations in English, and be assigned to overseas branch offices or on business trips. You will be required to have a high level of ability to use English as a communication tool.
Evaluation points of English ability in job hunting
Where is your English ability evaluated in job hunting and job hunting? Below, I will explain the timing when you can see your English ability and the points to properly appeal your skills. Let's hold it down.
English scores for English-related qualification web tests such as TOEIC and Eiken
In many cases, some companies require applicants to take an exam called SPI or a web test in order to confirm the minimum skills and knowledge required for their work. Especially in companies that emphasize English proficiency, there is a high possibility that English is included in the exam subjects, so if you want to get a job or change jobs, SPI and Web test have countermeasure books, so it works well. Let's study English on a daily basis while making use of it.
Experience using English such as studying abroad and overseas internship
If you have a long experience of living abroad, such as studying abroad or an internship abroad, you will be more likely to be evaluated as a person who can use English practically. However, even if you have lived abroad for a long time, there are some people who do not have English proficiency in proportion to the length of stay, such as when they spend a lot of time with Japanese friends and have few opportunities to use English. Therefore, let's clearly emphasize what kind of skills you have acquired, rather than how long you have been abroad.
Interview in English
Some companies seeking English proficiency conduct interviews in English to evaluate their response at that time. If you know in advance that you will have an English interview even if you have a high TOEIC score, you can look back at your resume to think about possible questions and answers, or practice the interview online in English. Let's take measures such as getting it.
English-related qualifications that lead to evaluation in job hunting
The most commonly used way to check an applicant's English proficiency in job hunting is the English qualifications they hold. Here, I will explain the English-related qualifications that lead to evaluation in job hunting.
Generally, you can show your English ability by writing it on your resume from Eiken Level 2 or above. Foreign-affiliated companies and domestic companies that require English proficiency may be required to have an even higher Eiken Level 1 or Level 1. Unlike TOEIC, Eiken is a qualification that measures four skills, including not only "reading" and "listening" but also "writing" and "speaking", so it is easy to appeal your practical English proficiency.
Precautions when writing English qualifications on your resume
When listing your English qualifications in the qualifications section of your resume, you need to be careful about how you write them. First of all, there are several types of TOEIC, which is a major English qualification, but in general, TOEIC refers to "TOEIC Listening & Reading", so it is common to describe it as "TOEIC Public Test".
In the qualification column, write the year and month you took the test, and write the qualification name and score as "TOEIC Public Test 〇 points". If you take the "TOEIC Speaking & Writing", the qualification name is "TOEIC S & W", and if you are taking an IP test for a group such as a school, write "TOEIC IP Test". Also, since the "TOEIC Bridge Test" is a test for beginners and intermediates, it is weak to appeal your English ability, so it is better not to write it in your resume.
As with the TOEIC test, write the date of the test and the qualification name and grade for the Eiken test. Please be careful not to write "Eiken" but "Practical English Proficiency Test Level 〇" with the official name.
Points to show off your English skills in job hunting interviews
Not only will you be able to show off your English proficiency with your resume's English qualifications, but you will also have the opportunity to show off your English proficiency during the interview. I will introduce the points of proper communication in the interview.
The process of studying English
Depending on the company or occupation you want to work for, you may not need English proficiency. Even if you cannot appeal your English ability, it may lead to high evaluation if you can appeal your efforts and devised process to improve your English ability. Tell them that you have made your own efforts, such as learning English by yourself and raising your TOEIC score in a short period of time.
Learning gained through learning English
One of the effective measures is to appeal not only the result of learning English but also the learning gained through learning English. For example, I was able to communicate with people from other countries on overseas trips and short-term study abroad because I was studying English, and the encounters I gained changed my way of thinking and perspectives. Being able to explain to the interviewer with episodes will make a good impression.
How to use your English skills in your work
Even if you have English proficiency, if you do not make use of it in your work, you will not look like an attractive human resource as a company. Therefore, let's make a concrete interview to show how you can utilize your English ability in your work. It is important for the interviewer to have an image of how he / she is active after joining the company. For that purpose, research the business contents of the company you are applying for in advance and think about how you can make use of your English proficiency.
Appeal points that should be prepared for job hunting other than English ability
It is certainly a strength to be able to appeal your English ability through job hunting, but it is dangerous to rely too much on your English ability. It is important to polish other points that can be appealed. I will explain below.
Do you have strengths or skills other than English ability?
Language skills are just one of the skills, so that alone does not necessarily lead to an evaluation that will determine hiring. I usually try to have other strengths such as having other qualifications related to work and learning specialized knowledge, and I analyze myself for any experience or skills that I can utilize in my work. Let's improve the appeal points other than English ability.
Does it fit the image of the person the company wants?
Let's self-analyze and confirm in advance whether or not you fit the image of the person that the company wants. If it does not match the character that the company wants, there is a high possibility that even if you have English proficiency, you will not be hired. Do firm research and self-analysis so that you can clearly communicate how you want to be active after joining the company.
There are many occupations that require English proficiency, such as trade affairs and tour conductors, although there are differences in level. Many companies strive to secure human resources with English proficiency by presenting TOEIC scores and conducting aptitude tests as application conditions. English ability will be a strong appeal point in job hunting. Please refer to the article to understand the points and precautions to appeal your English ability and use it for job hunting.
It is also important to practice English conversation on a regular basis in preparation for an English interview or a situation where you will use English practically after employment. PronunciationChecker offers online English conversation lessons. You can take classes anywhere you have the internet, and online English conversation at a relatively reasonable price is easy for people who are busy with job hunting to continue. You can also take a free trial lesson at, so feel free to give it a try.