Do you know how to write English emails, English letters, and writing?


Japanese emails often start with "Thank you for your help", but English emails and letters are a little too quick to write out with Hello. Or How are you ?. Isn't there a way to write it out without any hindrance, such as "It's getting warmer" and "How are you doing?" Here are some phrases for smartly writing English emails and letters.

How to write English emails and letters that anyone can use at any time

Have you ever wondered, "Is it still night over there?" When trying to start with Good morning. When sending an email overseas in English? So, try to remember some safe phrases that are not related to your time of day or each other's position. The following sentence is a word to be written after Dear XXXX, (to Mr. XXXXX).

Let's know the classics in the classics


greeting means "greeting", but it can be used to write out emails, letters, congratulatory cards, etc. in a short word, Greetings.

Hope this e-mail finds you well.

The literal translation is "I hope this email tells you that you are fine", but it is an expression to cut out with a slightly polite feeling, "How are you?".

I hope you are doing well. (How are you?)

Translated literally, "I hope you're fine." It can be used for people who know each other regardless of the content of the email.

I hope you are having a great week.

Translated literally, "I wish you had a wonderful week." It is a convenient expression that can be used at any time regardless of the beginning, middle, or end of the week. If it's the beginning of the week, you can write something like I hope you had a great weekend.

How to write starting from errands

Here's ~ (This is ~)

Use it like Here's our suggestions., Here's the information you requested. You can write it after the above greeting, or you can write it in this word suddenly.

I'm reaching out about ~ (I would like to contact you about ~)

reach out is "contact". Use it like I'm reaching out about the issues we discussed. You can also start writing this phrase suddenly.

I'm writing you to ~

Use it like I'm writing you to let you know the revised schedule. You can avoid the sudden feeling when writing out errands.

We are pleased to inform you that

A slightly different way of saying it. It can be used to tell something good, such as We are pleased inform you that the project has launched.

I dare to start with the greeting of the time

It has been cold lately here in Japan.

In English-speaking countries, it is not customary to include seasonal greetings, but you can start with seasonal topics like this. Given that the seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere, it's easier to tell anyone if you say here in Japan.

It's getting warmer here in Japan.

"(Gradually) get warmer" with be getting warmer. After this, you can put something like How have you been?

We are in the midsummer.

You can also write something like As we are in the midsummer, it's time for the vacation.

Autumn leaves are beautiful at this time of the year in Japan.

at this time of the year means "at this time of the year". You can also use it like We are busy at this time of the year.

English email sample:

Dear Edith,

I hope this e-mail finds you well.
Regarding the issue we discussed, how about having an online meeting with our team?
Please let me know when is convenient for you.

Thank you in advance.


To Edith

I hope you are doing well.
Why not set up an online meeting with our team on the issues you've talked about?
Please let us know when it is convenient for you.

Thank you.


How to write a reply to an English email or letter

Writing "Thank you for your email" is the same in English, but if you always use the same mechanical expression, it's kind of dull. Learn various phrases so that you can write your own text.

Thank you for your email and letter

Thank you for your e-mail / letter.

It is also a convenient way to indicate that you have received your email/letter.

It's great to hear from you.

hear from ~ means "get in touch, get informed". Use it for people who have some personal connections.

Thank you for the update.

update is usually "latest information", but when the other party tells you the current situation etc., it is used with the nuance "Thank you for telling me".

Thank you for your prompt rely.

Prompt is "quick", so we sometimes use fast and quick, which have the same meaning.

Tell what you want to reply to

I'm getting back to you about

Use it like I'm getting back to you about the quote. Getting back to you means "to reply" and can also be used like I'll get back to you. (<Later> will reply).

To follow up on

You can use it like To follow up on your feedback, we reviewed our policy.

I'm checking in to ~ (I want to check ~)

check in here means "check in". Use it like I'm checking in to see if there is availability.

English email sample:

Dear Sachiko,

To follow up on your suggestion, February 10 will be great. I'll be available anytime in the afternoon.
Looking forward to meeting your team.


To Sachiko

As for the follow-up to the proposal, I would like February 10th. The afternoon is always free.
I am looking forward to meeting the team members.


The expressions used in emails and letters can also be used in everyday conversation. Practice your online English PronunciationChecker lessons. If you haven't met a teacher in a long time, you can say hello to I hope you are doing well. You could also describe the Japanese season as It has been cold lately here in Japan.

Or, if you need to write an important email or letter in English, it's a good idea to draft it and have your teacher check it. If you read the text yourself, you can practice speaking. If you think that there are people who can check and fix it, you will be able to write various things with confidence.


The expressions introduced here are somewhat formal expressions used in business, and if you have a close relationship, you can start with Hi! Or Hey !. If it's a casual exchange, you can suddenly get into the main subject without greeting. Learn a variety of writing styles so that you can enjoy writing emails and letters in English.