Minimal Pair List Consonants /t/ versus / ʤ /, 274 pairs

The spelling of /t/ in this list is <t> or <tt>. The / ʤ / sound is <ch>, <tch> or <tu> where assimilation has occurred as in torture , and it occurs in the letter name H . I am doubtful of the status of teasers/Jesus where it is likely that the last consonant of Jesus could be either /s/ or /z/. Notice how the two pronunciations of ate make pairs with age and edge .
The contrast is between a voiceless plosive and a voiced affricate, close together in the mouth. In general it is not a problem, but Thai speakers may have difficulties with the sounds in syllable-final position.
Interesting pairs include:
bandit bandage
disparities disparages
rotter Roger
tabard jabbered
tension gentian
toccata Jakarta
waiter wager
The mean density value is 1.6%. The list makes 149 semantic distinctions, a loading of 54%.
ante Angie ate age ate edge bandit bandage Bart barge bat badge batter badger battered badgered battering badgering batters badgers Brit bridge built bilge but budge butting budging cat cadge cert serge chart charge charting charging charter charger charters chargers contested congested convert converge converting converging cottar codger cottars codgers detect deject detected dejected detecting dejecting detection dejection detects dejects detest digest detested digested detesting digesting detests digests detestable digestible dhotis doges dirt dirge dirties dirges disparities disparages divert diverge diverting diverging dot dodge dotting dodging dote doge dotty dodgy eight age eighties ages fort forge forties forges gait gage gait gauge gate gage gating gaging gate gauge gating gauging ghat gorge gout gouge hint hinge hinting hinging jut judge jutting judging Kate cage Katie cagey let ledge letter ledger letters ledgers lied liege lot lodge marten margin martens margins martin margin martins margins mart Marge Matt Madge mitt midge nut nudge nutting nudging packet package pate page pert purge phut fudge potty podgy pottier podgier pottiest podgiest protect project protects projects protected projected protecting projecting protection projection protections projections protectionist projectionist protectionists projectionists protector projector protectors projectors puttee pudgy rate rage rating raging ret Reg rotter Roger sate sage set sedge skirt scourge skirting scourging slut sludge smut smudge smutting smudging smutty smudgy state stage stating staging statecraft stagecraft T G T's G's T gee T's gees ta jar tab jab tabs jabs tabard jabbered tack jack tacked jacked tacking jacking tacks jacks tacky Jackie tag jag tagged jagged tagging jagging tags jags tail gaol tailed gaoled tailing gaoling tails gaols tailor gaoler tailors gaolers take Jake tale gaol tales gaols tames James tan Jan tangle jangle tangled jangled tangles jangles tangling jangling tape jape tapes japes tar jar tarred jarred tarring jarring tars jars taunt jaunt taunted jaunted taunting jaunting taunts jaunts tawse jaws TB GB tea G teas G's tea gee tea gees tear jeer tears jeers teasers Jesus tee G tees G's tee gee tees gees teeny Jeanie tell gel telling gelling tells gels telly jelly tellies jellies ten gen tens gens tend genned tender gender tenders genders tension gentian tensions gentians tent gent term germ terms germs terminate germinate terminated germinated terminates germinates terminating germinating termination germination Terry Gerry Tess Jess test jest tested jested testing jesting tests jests tiles Giles till gill tills gills tilt jilt tilted jilted tilting jilting tilts jilts Tim Jim Timmy Jimmy tin jinn Tina Gina tingle jingle tingled jingled tingles jingles tingling jingling tint tinge tinting tinging tip gyp tipped gypped tipping gypping tipsy Gypsy tiro gyro tiros gyros to Jew toccata Jakarta toe Jo tog jog togged jogged togging jogging togs jogs toggle joggle toggles joggles tone Joan Tony Joanie too Jew tool jewel tools jewels tool joule tools joules toot jute toque joke toques jokes tot jot tots jots totted jotted totting jotting totter jotter totters jotters tourist jurist tourists jurists tourney journey tourneys journeys toy joy toyed joyed toying joying toys joys tug jug tugged jugged tugging jugging tugs jugs tumble jumble tumbled jumbled tumbles jumbles tumbling jumbling Turk jerk Turks jerks Turkey jerky tut jut tutted jutted tutting jutting two Jew twos Jews visit visage wait wage waiting waging weight wage weighting waging waiter wager waiters wagers wet wedge wetting wedging writ ridge