Minimal pair: Vowel 6, /ɒ/, versus null, 46 pairs

As /0/ is a short vowel, it does not appear in an open syllable, which means that the contrast is either from a deleted initial, such as occult/cult or /fish, or from a closed syllable whose consonants permit clusterings, such as follow/floe or soppier/spear.
In both cases, an unstressed component moves up to acquire stress, so that the contrast is not strictly minimal.
There are 33 semantic contrasts in the list, giving a semantic loading of 71%.
borage bridge chaos case colic click colleen clean colleens cleans collier clear colliers clears follow floe follows floes follow flow followed flowed following flowing follows flows forage fridge forages fridges foray fray forayed frayed foraying fraying forays frays forays phrase Nicole nickel occult cult oddity ditty oddities ditties offish fish olive live olives lives Oliver liver onyx nicks onyx nix opposition position orison risen oryx ricks oryx wricks Ossett sit otter to rayon rain rayon reign rayon rein repot reaped socket skit sockets skits solid slid Sonia sneer sonic snick soppier spear