Minimal Pair List Consonants /l/ versus /ʤ/, 226 pairs

The /l/ sound is spelled with <l> or <ll>. The /ʤ/ sound is spelled with <j>, <dj> in djinn , <dge> or <ge>.
This is a contrast between a lateral continuant and an affricate, both voiced and both in the alveolar region of the mouth. In spite of the similarity it is not a problem.
The phrase Juicy Lucy can be applied pejoratively to a plump girl and in the USA is applied to a cheeseburger with the cheese melted inside the meat patty rather than on top. Other interesting pairs include:
ballad badgered
fillet fidget
lentil gentle
loonier junior
millet midget
The mean density value is 1.5%. The lists make 131 semantic distinctions, a loading of 58%.
ail age ailed aged ailing ageing allure adjure allured adjured allures adjures alluring adjuring ballad badgered brill bridge cell sedge choler codger cholers codgers collar codger collars codgers dole doge doll dodge dolled dodged dolling dodging dollar dodger dollars dodgers dollies dodges Dolly dodgy earl urge elect eject elected ejected electing ejecting elects ejects election ejection elections ejections elector ejector electors ejectors Ellie edgy fall forge falling forging fillet fidget filleted fidgeted filleting fidgeting fillets fidgets frill fridge Gael gage gale gage gall gorge galled gorged galling gorging Gaul gorge Halle Hadji held hedged hell hedge kail cage L edge lab jab labs jabs lack jack lacked jacked lacking jacking lacks jacks lackey Jackie lade jade lag jag lagged jagged lagging jagging lags jags lain Jane lake Jake lakes jakes lam jam lams jams lamming jamming lammed jammed lamb jam lambed jammed lambing jamming lambs jambs lames James lane Jane lard jarred larva Java laud jawed law jaw laws jaws lawbreaker jawbreaker lawbreakers jawbreakers lay J lays J's lay jay lays jays lea G leap jeep leaps jeeps learned journeyed lee G leer jeer leered jeered leering jeering leers jeers Leicester jester Leigh G Len gen lend genned lender gender lenders genders Lenny Jenny lens gens Lent gent Lents gents lentil gentle less Jess lest jest let jet let's jets letting jetting Lib jib lieu Jew Lilian Gillian Lille liege lilt jilt lilted jilted lilting jilting lilts jilts limb gym limbs gyms limb Jim lingo jingo lingoes jingoes links jinks list gist lists gists live jive lives jives lo Joe loan Joan lob job lobbed jobbed lobbing jobbing lobs jobs lobe Job lobes Jobs log jog logged jogged logging jogging logs jogs loin join loins joins loll lodge lolled lodged lolling lodging lollies lodges lolly jolly lollies jollies loo Jew loos Jews loon June loons Junes loonier junior loose juice looses juices loot jute lor jaw lord jawed lore jaw lose Jews loss joss losses josses lot jot lots jots low Joe Lucy juicy ludo judo lug jug lugged jugged lugging jugging lugs jugs lump jump lumped jumped lumping jumping lumps jumps lumpy jumpy lumpier jumpier lumpiest jumpiest lurk jerk lurked jerked lurking jerking lurks jerks lust just Lymm Jim Lynn djinn Lynn gin lynx jinx lynxes jinxes mainly mangy Mali Margie marl Marge mill midge millet midget null nudge pail page pale page paled paged paling paging paler pager pearl purge pearled purged pearling purging Polly podgy rail rage railed raged railing raging rill ridge sail sage sale sage sell sedge skirl scourge stale stage staled staged staling staging staler stager stool stooge wail wage wailed waged wailing waging weld wedged well wedge welling wedging welled wedged whaler wager whalers wagers