Minimal Pair List Vowels 10 and 12, /ʌ/ versus /ə/ 4 pairs

Since the schwa has to be unstressed while /ʌ/ is likely to be prominent, only one set of pairs was found in the dictionary, and
is of doubtful status as a word that can enter meaningful contrasts. It is in any case often spelled
in narrative, as in "He hemmed and hawed in embarrassment."
Two other pairs were suggested by Ben Holmberg, upend/append and discuss/discus, but in both cases there is a stress difference as well as the vowel.
hum h'm
hummed h'mmed
humming h'mming
hums h'ms
The density figure is too small to be worth calculating.
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Eriberto Do Nascimento
Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is
the founder of Pronunciation Checker Academy